18 May 2011

All about Him...

Here’s a chance to see how well you really know your husband/fiance/boyfriend/lover. Cut, paste and fill in the answers, then shoot, you know what to do. The real challenge is to send it to your husband/boyfriend/lover to see how right you really are.

1. He’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
     Harus lah 411 HBO, 412 cinemax and 413 star movies... my favorite channel too - kitorg    
     gler movie

2. You’re out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?

     Not even think about it... Encik B x ske sayor,,, haish

3. What’s one food he doesn’t like?
     Makanan yang pelik... Dia akan suh aku try dulu baru dia makan... ha ha ha

4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
     Of course Mango juice... his favorite forever n ever

5. Where did he go to high school?
     Sekolah agama ye... huish... perangai tak macam pernah skolah agama... he he he

6. What size shoes does he wear?
     9.. besau cket dari saiz ku... kaki nyer sangat panjang

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
     not specific... tapi dia tak pernah beli pon... sebab Encik B ni jarang membazir pasal 
     benda2 mcm ni.. maybe coz dilahirkan dalam famili sederhana, so his intention more too 
     support family

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
     Not sandwich type, tapi sker makan roti ngan choc-peanut flavour

9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
     Ayam la.... chicken maniac... same as me

10. What is his favorite cereal?
       Harapan le nak suh Encik B makan cereal...

11. What would he never wear?
      Boxer kot... ha ha ha

12. What is his favorite sports team?
       ape eh.. MU ke chelsea ke arsenal???? haish...lupe ingatan jap

13. Who did he vote for?
       AF dia tak layan, Mentor layan tapi x vote... yang tak boleh blah..dia x register for 
       mengundi... haish.... malu aku....

14. Who is his best friend?
        ME kot... he he he...

15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn’t do?
       Huish.... there is ONE THING... hish... malas cakap... selalu jadik isu... but what he 
       asked me is the thing i "supposed' to do... Sorry baby... a bit ego oke...

16. What is his heritage?
       KL le

17. What is his favourite colour?
       White kot.... he he he

18. What is his habit?
       Keluarkan angin maut without warning.... bler aku marah.. Dia cakap "ayg syg B sgt 
       sampai sedut abis tak tinggal cket pon untuk B".... ei..... speechless...

19. What is he proud of?
       Having me as his wife... ayat setiap malam sebelum tido....

20. Lastly, do you think he will read this?
       Maybe... kalo dia ader masa men tenet la... most of his time dengan laptop..hanya keje 
       dia je la....

17 May 2011

Rezeki melimpah Ruah

Cuti Wesak Day aku n Encik B kuar pi cari book cabinet.... nak letak brg keje Encik B yang bersepah kat bilik tidor ku... kitorg pi Perabot Cempaka tepi MRR2... dapat la tangkap satu kabinet.. he he he... makacih Encik B... before that we all lunch kat Wong Solo Dagang Avenue... makan ayam penyet.... pedas....

pastu we decided to watch KONGSI..... ceh.. mcm hampeh...promo je lebih... tak best langsung... ati ku meronta2 nak kua wayang cepat2... nyesal nyer tengok... bek tgk THOR....hu hu... aku dah sound adik2 ku...Kalo nak membazir 10 hengget.. pi la tgk cter tuh...

Tapi.. hati ku terubat dengan kelazatan SOTO AYAM MAMA... nyum.. delicious.... sedap sampai jilat bibir.. he he he... aku penyumbang begedil je la... kepal begedil sorg2 je semalam oke.. Encik B membuta selepas tolong prepare bahan... cian... penat sgt kot masak.. 1st time la kata kan... he he he...

Malam nyer si nanot wat lasagna and beef stew cicah garlic bread.... wah..... makan sgt sedap oke hari ni... sedap tak terkira... perut ku sudah muncit.... kenyang gler... sampai kondo.. terus terlelap... buruk pangai ku...... ni yang syok nyer biler dapat family PEMAKAN dan adik2 yang TEROR MASAK... (except aku)... haish....

11 May 2011

Exam fever

Fuh.... fuh.... banyak spider web sudah blog ku ni.... habuk sebesar zarah dah beranak pinak sudah... haish.... tu la... aku deactivate kejap sistem 'berblogging' ku... dek kerana bercinta dengan musin EXAM.... 

Pahe-pahe je la (sila sebut ikut dialek kelate).... ktorang ader term INVIGILATE EXAM ye... first time masuk keje tahun 2009, aku tak paham langsung ape ke benda nyer tuh... rupe-rupe nyer.... tugas lecturer kena jage dewan exam... siap ader bape kali plak tu kena jage... haiyak....layan....

Exam dah bis... so... the tension part is coming.... marking exam scripts.... haiyak.... i need full body massage after this....  Encik B... sile banje saya massage di SPA oke.. sebab awak takder untuk tolong kira markah... huhu

harap-harap semua students ku lulus dengan cemerlang... amin

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